Sunday, May 24, 2009

Who Brought the Cool Kid?

I admit it. I am socially awkward. I never know the right thing to say and usually end up putting my foot in my mouth and saying something regrettable. Like tonight...

We just got back from a friend's BBQ. While there I saw a friend of my friend, who I had met several times. I was saying hi to her and she introduced me to her husband, her sister in law, her brother and their kids, one of whom was named Cole. I thought she said Cora. Which is my dog's name. To which I said, "Is your kid's name Cora? Oh, it's Cole? I thought you said Cora. Cora is my dog's name. And, you know, since my name is Bailey, I'm always think it's cool when someone has the same name as my dog, so um..ha ha, I'm going to go back outside now". By the way, no one has the same name as my dog, unless they are 90.

So the mystery has been solved. Who brought the cool kid? My husband did. And I don't mean Ava.


CaraBee said...

I knew a girl named Cora. She was a couple of years older than me. She gave me her ID so I could sneak into bars when I was underage. Good people.

Muffy Willowbrook said...

I constantly put my foot in my mouth at parties! Seriously, this weekend I was convinced I made a total ars out of myself in front of our new neighbors and I just wanted to crawl in a whole!

It happens....