Tuesday, May 12, 2009

90 is the New 365

So remember earlier this month when I wrote a post about how I only had one more year left in Chicago? Turns out I only have 3 months.

It was sprung on me last week that we need to be out in Minnesota earlier than next May. We have several trips planned this summer so the absolute earliest we can go is August. So...we're going in August. Maybe it'll get pushed to October if we can't find an apartment for August but either way we're going soon.

We're probably going to go look for places sometime next month. I'm dreading packing up this apartment and all of the complications that go along with moving. I'm just dreading the whole thing, really.


Lora said...

gah. I don't even know what to say.
Good luck

CaraBee said...

Wow! Well, maybe it is better this way. More of the bandaid approach. Plus, you'll get to be there in nicer weather, so you can get out a little bit before winter hits. Good luck!