Monday, March 2, 2009

Moms of the Internet

Wait, that title sounds like some cheesy calendar.

Actually, I need some advice. No, not on how to post more than once a week, although that would help. I need some advice on how to stop swaddling my kid without halting all night sleep.

We're getting ready to sleep train this weekend. I just read "The Sleepeasy Solution" which seems doable and realistic. I expect some crying...and I bet Ava will cry too (ba dum dum). We're probably not picking the best weekend to do this, what with turning the clocks ahead but we need to do something. She sleeps well at night but naps are another story. She also won't sleep unswaddled.

My question is, how do we break her of the swaddle habit in the least painful way possible? The book makes it seem like we should just cold turkey it as part of the sleep training but I don't know. I guess I would rather attempt to break her of the swaddle habit prior to starting the sleep training.

Anyone have any tips on weaning from the swaddle?


Anonymous said...

I think I remember people saying to start leaving one arm out of the swaddle...I have no recollection of what we actually did.

CaraBee said...

Sophie didn't really go for swaddling, so I can't comment from experience on this one. But I do have to wonder why you are trying to break her of swaddling? It doesn't hurt her and helps her sleep. I had friends who swaddled their kids until they were 6-8 months and they are perfectly happy healthy toddlers now. If she already sleeps well at night, why are you sleep training her?

Bailey said...

Ava is tolerating the swaddle less and less and when I get her in the AM, she's practically out of her miracle blanket, to the point where it may get a little hazardous soon. Believe me, I don't want to stop swaddling! I like my sleep.

jodifur said...

do you have to? Michael kind of weaned himself from the swaddle when he started moving around? Why can't she be swadled anymore?

CaraBee said...

Maybe this is a stupid question, but have you tried not swaddling? If you did and she fussed, then I would do what Nora suggests and leave one arm out. We did it cold turkey with Sophie and she was fine. Of course, she was still waking up 2-4 times a night at that point, so who can tell what success is.

Bailey said...

We have tried not swaddling after and it worked once. I think I got too excited about it though so I ended up jinxing myself. I think we are just going to bite the bullet and just not swaddle her. I'm just working up the nerve.

E... said...

I swaddled N. up until she was six months old, as she would not sleep at all otherwise. She was pretty big for it, and eventually I did it without arms, just tight on her tummy. And then as soon as she could turn over by herself, I started putting her to bed on her tummy. I know, big no-no, but my babies are active freaks, and wound up that way anyway. She still never slept through the night -- still doesn't, sorry to say (18 months and counting!), but thank god for the miracle blanket and the couple of hours of sleep not on my chest it gave us!

Anonymous said...

some babies transition really fast, others don't.
there is a great sleep sack specfically for this - Peke Moe - we got one and it worked immediately!! which we were very pleased about it.
You can try pinning closed the arm holes of a sleeping bag I think too?

Fluffy Windover said...

Just thought I'd comment and say that I have NO sleep advice. Edwin is the worst sleeper ever. I went to get him at daycare today and they told me he only had one nap all day. And it was 15 minutes long.