Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ava and Santa

We took Ava to get her picture taken with Santa this past weekend and finally got the picture.

Ava looks like she wants to take a nap right there on Santa's lap. Santa looks like he would rather be off enjoying cocktails elsewhere. I guess that will happen when you have kids crying on your lap all day.

I was kind of hoping for a child crying on Santa's lap picture but Ava did not cooperate. Oh well, there's always next year!


CaraBee said...

Santa does look pretty surly. Perhaps he should consider a career change.

CaraBee said...

But Ava looks adorable!!

mep said...

Pretty darn cute! I'm feeling guilty because I've never taken either of my boys to visit Santa.

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute and tiny!

Marianne said...

She is so cute!!