Monday, December 15, 2008

Shit List

Dear Babies R Us,

I'm writing to inform you that you have officially made my shit list, effective immediately.

I've been trying to find the Ultimate Crib Sheet as I was told it would make my life easier. That may be so but the quest to find it is slowly killing me.

I began my search for said sheet where I always do, on your website. The website has never steered me wrong in the past so I had no reason to doubt any information found there. There's now a nifty feature where you can search your zip code and see if the product you are looking for is in stock. This is only available for a few stores but Chicago is included so yea!

I searched for my item and entered my zip code. The Ultimate Crib Sheet is available at every Toys R Us and Babies R Us store in a 20 mile radius of my house. I decided I would drive to the closest Babies R Us store (which is still about 10 miles awhile and in a suburb) since Ava needed Swaddle Me's and diapers and wouldn't it be just great to get everything in one place? That would have been too easy.

I got to the store, finally, after getting Fredo to unstick the car door that was frozen shut for me and after scraping all of the ice off of my windshield. Did I mention it was 7 degrees? At the store and looked high and low for the damned crib sheet. I asked someone for help. No one could find the thing so I was told it was out of stock. How could that be as the website said it was in stock? I asked if other stores could be called to see if they have it in stock. Well yes of course you could call but if they're busy they won't answer the phone and you know, they are really busy right now.

So I will be ordering the stupid sheet online. I wish I could say I will never shop there again but that would just be too hard. Instead, I will just shake my fist and curse you Babies R Us!


CaraBee said...

I have a love/hate relationship with BRU. I admit that in the late days of my pregnancy and the early months of Sophie's life, we were there A LOT. Now, I feel sort of nostalgic for it. But not enough to go back just for a visit.

mep said...

I have cried in BRU on three occasions. Not tears of joy.

Fluffy Windover said...

Ugh, I am having a similar problem getting a bumpo seat thing for Edwin for Christmas. I wanted to order it online, but it is sold out everywhere. So I have to brave stupid Babies r Us, and I would really rather stab myself in the eye. And if I get there and they don't have any, watch out.